
Monday, March 28, 2011

Sharp Dressed Man

Here is Alexander trying on the suit his Grandma bought him for his Aunt Darcy's wedding in June. The top fits great but I didn't even try the pants on him because I know they will be too big . We just wanted to make sure the shirt and stuff would fit because that's the part that matters, I can always alter pants. He was smiling in all the other pictures but they were also pretty blurry. Ridiculously, ridiculously good looking, no? Jacob has the same suit and Mommy got a new dress, too. I probably won't have any pictures taken in the dress until the wedding though so you'll just have to wait til then. :-)


  1. I love it!!! And yes, Alexander is looking ridiculously, ridiculously good looking :)

  2. i cannot even take this picture!! He is soooo cute.
